Fishing is one of the many activities you can do in Stardew Valley. It’s a great way to relax, and it can also be quite lucrative when you have the right resources.
You can catch various fish, and each one fetches a different price at the local fish merchant. One such exciting fish is the Shad fish. Shad fish add a new dynamic to the game and are essential for late-game success. They’re also one of the most challenging fish to catch, making them a prized possession for any serious Stardew Valley fisherman.
The thrill of the hunt is what makes shad fish so alluring. Catching them is no easy task, but it’s well worth the effort. Once you have one in your possession, you’ll be able to brag to all your friends about your fantastic fishing skills.
Let’s dive right into the in-game features, how to catch this mighty fish, where to find it, and other tips and tricks.
What is a Shad?
The Shad fish can be found in the river during the Spring, Summer, and Fall, especially in rainy weather conditions. It can also be nabbed in the Secret Woods during the Fall. The shad fish can be sold for 60-90g.

A shad can be caught at a length of 20 to 49 inches. Catching the fish restores energy by 25 and health by 11.
Where Do I Find Shad in Stardew Valley?
The best place to find shad fish is in the river that runs through Pelican Town and Cindersap forest. The river can be tricky to navigate, but it’s worth the effort. The Shad fish are usually found near the bottom of the river, so you’ll need to use heavy bait to lure them out.
The fish are more likely to be available in the Summer, Fall, and Spring seasons, and their time slot ranges from 9am to 2pm. Mark your presence and get the ball rolling by snagging the mighty fish!
Lastly, using the magic bait would ensure that these fish are available all the season, time, and weather.
How Do I Catch a Shad in Stardew Valley?
The best way to catch a shad fish is by using a bobber and bait. The bobber will help you stay aware of when the shad fish bites so you can quickly reel them in. You’ll also need to use heavy bait, like worms, to make sure you capture the fish’s attention.
The best bait to use for shad fish is worms. You can either dig them up yourself or buy them from the local bait shop. The worms will usually cost around 10-15 gold, so it’s a relatively affordable bait.
Besides, you can snag the fish at Krobus shop on Wednesday worth 200g or alternatively from the traveling cart. Still, the cost varies from 180-1000g.
Tips or Special Equipment Required to Catch Shad
No special gear is needed to fish shad in Stardew Valley. However, using heavy bait, such as worms, will help you lure them out from hiding. You’ll also need a bobber and some fishing line to catch them.

Uses of Shad in Stardew Valley
The shad fish can be used in cooking and crafting. It can be turned into shad roe at the Slime Hutch.
The shad roe is used to make Sashimi, which sells at 450g each. Sashimi is a food item that increases 20 health and 20 energy points.
The shad roe can also be used to make Crab Pot, which sells for 1,500g each. Crab Pot is a tool that catches fish when placed in water.
The shad roe can also be used to make Scarecrow, which sells for 5,000g each. Scarecrow is a decoration that prevents crows from eating your crops.
If you’re looking for a new and exciting fish to catch in Stardew Valley, add the shad to your wish list. This fish is found in many different bodies of water, so it shouldn’t be too difficult to track one down. Once you’ve caught a shad, cook it up and enjoy its delicate flavor.